With PewDiePie switching to Linux, I’ve seen more and more post with him and they often get locked.
What moral failings did he commit, and has he done anything to make up for them?
With PewDiePie switching to Linux, I’ve seen more and more post with him and they often get locked.
What moral failings did he commit, and has he done anything to make up for them?
In the past, he was a gaming streamer. During many of his streams, his actions and words strongly suggested that he was racist and/or a Nazi. At least once, he was called out for using the n-word (with the hard r). He has never expressed any remorse.
Because of that, many people consider him to be the gateway of the alt-right pipeline. Essentially, children are attracted to his channel for the gaming content, and over time, they are influenced by his behavior to be increasingly accepting of racist and/or alt-right content (after which the YouTube algorithm will then feed them increasingly extremist content)
Since at least several years ago, he retired from his channel, started a family, and moved to Japan (not necessarily in that order). It’s entirely unclear if he’s changed his mind about any of his previous behaviors, and in the absence of any indicators of change, many people take the stance that he probably still is a racist/Nazi
This is a ridiculous stance. A lot of people say stupid stuff on the internet and then mature and move on. A lot of us have the privilege of people (the entire world) not remembering what we said. I don’t think it’s right that he impressed on his viewers that those words are acceptable, but that doesn’t make him a nazi or racist in public or private. That dilutes the word further when there isn’t enough evidence to even suggest it’s true, ignores the fact that most of us are prejudiced more than we’d admit, and causes people to just ignore us when we aren’t making a reactionary standpoint on a real issue. I have never been a PewDiePie viewer nor do I think his content is interesting nor his move to Linux, but I hate to see Lemmy pinning him on a wall as if he’s responsible for an entire generation becoming radicalized with alt-right. I would blame Big Tech and algorithms.
Has he apologized or acknowledged that what he did was wrong? If not, then I would assume that he still holds these views.
Thank you! :3