The rise? … I think this more like ‘taking off the mask’
America has always been like this, they just used to make a good show of it before … now they’re just acting like they always did, they just aren’t self conscious or apologetic about it any more.
I think that’s part of the feeling of injustice and betrayal. Europeans put up with all US shit for decades because hey, they’re imperialist that only act in their own interest but at least they’re somewhat tactful about it. They made the entire world revolve around them, but at least they pretended we were on the same side so we didn’t protest too loudly.
And now they’re suddenly acting like they’re the fucking victim of this system they created themselves to benefit them? That basically broke the illusion the West reluctantly chose to believe in, and all that remains is the bad and the ugly
I’ve always been feeling that 4chan is most American thing, now it’s just took off its anon mask and let the world see.
We Americans need to come to terms with the fact that this is how the rest of the world sees each and every one of us now. Either as an orcish, violent animals, or as selfish, cowardly quislings and bystanders. It doesn’t matter who you voted for, or who you sent $20 to here and there. We are giving our consent every single day we are not physically fighting back against this insanity. And that stench takes a generation to wash off.
Fun WWII parallel: after the war, reprisal murders against the German diaspora were a problem in Europe. I’ve seen it claimed that half a million Germans were killed this way, but nobody really knows because the public sentiment was so against Germany after the atrocities they committed. People kept quiet, police shrugged their shoulders and moved on.
Ignorance is not an excuse. Cowardice is not an excuse. It may not be your fault, but it is your responsibility to do something.
If you have never spoken to an American online before, I can’t understand how this Article is written from the perspective of Surprise. We’ve always been assholes and brutes and whatnot. I’m from friggin New Jersey for crying out loud. It’s just now they’re shirts-off about it all, beating their chests at the wrong people. Our Allies. I hate it honestly.
Libs need to read a history book before writing headlines like this.