"After years of hard work and a lifetime of contributions, our seniors shouldn't have to worry about Republicans meddling with their Social Security," said one House Democrat.
"While Dudek did not elaborate on what outsourcing “nonessential functions” will look like, according to The Bulwark, Martin O’Malley, who led the agency under former President Joe Biden, warned that it could involve automation and the use of artificial intelligence to replace call centers staffed by people trained to help seniors and other beneficiaries sort out complex problems. "
"While Dudek did not elaborate on what outsourcing “nonessential functions” will look like, according to The Bulwark, Martin O’Malley, who led the agency under former President Joe Biden, warned that it could involve automation and the use of artificial intelligence to replace call centers staffed by people trained to help seniors and other beneficiaries sort out complex problems. "