Thats news to me. What is this team that you speak of. I thought isreal may have had a hand in it myself and maybe more so netenyahoo but apparently I was mistaken. enlighten me great understander of world violence and political complexities.
so im trolling and you are not. what we got now under trump is the same as what we had under biden. there is no accomplishing with that type of reasoning. just losing all around.
Thats news to me. What is this team that you speak of. I thought isreal may have had a hand in it myself and maybe more so netenyahoo but apparently I was mistaken. enlighten me great understander of world violence and political complexities.
Your team; the Democrats
ok. israel and netenyahoo the good guys. I get it now.
I’m not surprised a genocide apologist like you would say that
what can I say. I got the info from you.
No, you didn’t.
Im reading it now and I said maybe israel and netenyahoo were responsible and you said no its the democrats.
No, that is not what was said. And you know that. I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish with this lazy trolling
so im trolling and you are not. what we got now under trump is the same as what we had under biden. there is no accomplishing with that type of reasoning. just losing all around.