It’s alright. Society can fuck itself over without everyone participating just fine.
I plan on doing this soon. I plan on quitting my job and just back packing / camping around different cities until I find one I like with a strong anarchist movement.
Seattle’s got a lot of anarchists and community aide, but you’d also have to put up with tech bros and libs so mixed bag there
I’m Canadian. I was thinking of trying Toronto or Vancouver. If there wasn’t much at either of those places, I was thinking of venturing down to America or maybe Europe.
Oh look, it’s the US voters that sat out and fucked the world.
Yes, the voters are to blame, definitely not the massively corrupt government the voters could never hope to control due to, gasp, rampant corruption.
Those dang voters are ignoring the courts, illegally destroying federal agencies and alienating our allies too!
The real problem in the country isn’t the rich idiots, disconnected from reality. It’s the poor idiots disconnected from reality and they destroyed the entire country by filling out a single form.
Please be nicer to our new king, it’s not his fault that people voted for him.
The U.S. has been fucking the world for decades. It doesn’t matter who’s in power. As long as imperialism exists, everyone loses.
But I have those neatly filled Molotovs…
this counts for participating in society
Well then I’m not joining.
but thats the good kind of participation
Join me
No thanks.
but then you’ll have created a new society, which you’ll both be participating in!
Lying flat! This was something that was popular with the Chinese youths a few years ago
Sounds like a nice date