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If you think things are bad now, then, brace yourself: it is about to get a whole lot worse. If you are alarmed at the speed with which the Trump administration has set about dismantling every institution of American government and every pillar of the international order, you must understand that this is not just the initial burst of activity, the “shock and awe” phase after which things will settle down: if anything, the pace will continue to accelerate.

The world has never before been faced with such a threat. The United States has handed the nuclear codes to a madman, a criminal, a would-be dictator and a moron, all in the same person. Whatever the purpose to which he directs these powers – to impress his dictator friends, to further enrich himself and his cronies, to seize absolute power or just to watch the world burn – we must hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

    8 hours ago

    Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is already distancing himself. The wheels of government are going to shut Trump down. He doesn’t have that much power.

      4 hours ago

      Mike Johnson is way scarier than Trump. He’s a true believer, total hypocrite, and smart. His ideal society would be similar to The Handmaid’s Tale and he will pursue that agenda and believe he’s righteous when they build camps and dig trenches for the bodies.

      Mike Johnson scares the fuck out of me. Watch him.