While Mr “I can’t code without a garbage collector” is still putting on his backplate of “oh no pointers are bad” and a duck typed full face helmet, to ride his interpreted moped, the big boys, Mr C-ool and Mr ASSembly, are already downing grain alcohol at the finish line.
But then again I really don’t like to step out of my embedded RTOS bubble. It really depends on what you want to accomplish and how complicated your system is.
Insist they index from 1. Like God and Fortran intended it. ;)
MATLAB is basically a UI wrapper around Fortran’s BLAS and LAPACK – change my mind. ;)
Fuck C and it’s lazy shit pointer arithmetic array indexing shortcut. I.e. you just add the index × size(t) to the array pointer.
Bounds checking? We’ve heard of it.
It’s fast though.
Like riding a motorcycle in a tee shirt and shorts.
I’ve ridden a motorbike in a T-shirt and kilt before. That’s … fun …
And sun glasses, don’t forget the aviators.
While Mr “I can’t code without a garbage collector” is still putting on his backplate of “oh no pointers are bad” and a duck typed full face helmet, to ride his interpreted moped, the big boys, Mr C-ool and Mr ASSembly, are already downing grain alcohol at the finish line.
But then again I really don’t like to step out of my embedded RTOS bubble. It really depends on what you want to accomplish and how complicated your system is.
And Lua!
And Julia!