While looking through the articles on a "social engineering" themed forum I discovered a relatively new scam scheme that shocked me.
People create thousands of GitHub repositories with all sorts of things - from Roblox and Fortnite mods to "cracked" FL Studio and Photoshop.
As soon as you download and
I always wondered about the security aspect of gaming and mods. It feels understudied.
Yeah it’s difficult how to know which mods are trustworthy
There have been cases of crypto miners embedded but once discovered they’re nuked so quick it’s hard to get more than rumours.
C# modding is the most likely vector (rimworld, cities skylines, unity stuff) but Skyrim skse mods are raw code too. All can be misused.
Usually lua mods have a sandbox so they’re safe. Eg.factorio. and, um, more but my mind has gone blank.