I personally feel like I understand German-speaking people better the more I study the language.
E.g. my experience was that they are generally good listeners because their language has a sentence structure which forces the listener to wait for the most important information at the end of a sentence.
Bad Denglish to demonstrate:
“I have yesterday night… at the football field… together with friends … (dude get to the point) had a beer”
I can read manga without waiting for a scanlation team to post a poorly done chapter in random intervals. also can read and watch cool anime and manga that doesn’t get picked up for localization by viz or whoever
livin that weeb life
Be a proud weeb! That is incredibly cool and a useful skill you should be proud of.
Keep on weebin!
Oh this made me think of another one: years ago I worked with kids and teens. sometimes they would fuck with my phone when I wasn’t paying attention to go on youtube but I would leave the keyboard on the kana flick keyboard which would stump them
Ha! Smart! I once accidentally changed my phone language to arabic and was completely lost with the settings trying to figure out where are the language settings.