What went well for you? Today or this week. No matter how small, let’s celebrate the good things in our lives!
I’ll try to post this regularly.
My best friend phoned me this week to catch up. It was nice to see him and his family again, although it still was exhausting.
Plus, my family made some culinary experiments that all paid off. Great food makes for a little bit of happiness.
I trialled a new power chair, and in a lot of ways it feels more freeing. It can go 8km/h rather than just 6km/h, it seems more comfy, it’s mid-wheel drive.
Yes! Go, Speed Princess!
Had an appointment with the diabetic consultant in the week, and they’ve referred me to have a constant monitor fitted. I thought my blood sugars were doing ok, but he told me that the levels I’m getting in the mornings are what would be classed as high for a healthy person.
It sounds bad, that my diabetes isn’t as controlled as I thought, but he said that the high sugar levels could explain my increased ADHD symptoms. If that’s the case, this should help me get them under control, and bring my forgetfulness and brain fog back under control too. I’ll take that as a potential win for now :)