All I wanted was an Arkham game with the Nemesis system.
That would be siiiick, I’d want it to be more goofy in tone (though I only played Asylum and a couple minutes of City so maybe I don’t have a good handle on the whole series) imagine kite man heckling you from the shadows until he gets bathed in gamma rays or dumped in toxic waste and becomes a huge threat,
On the patent - can a European dev not make a game using it and… Just not release it in the US?
I assume that they would get money stolen from them from any other games they have released in the US? Or could steam be forced to take money from them for non US sales?
Software patents are BS
Countries have treaties around mutually enforcing intellectual property, probably would come into play here and allow for the US party to file a claim against them in a European court.
European courts don’t recognise software patents, no matter where they were filled.
so BS. A patent on the game remembering your previous actions???