Whole wide world of wrestling out there, and a whole lotta entrance themes! Do you have a fave? More than 1? Love licensed songs? Prefer custom songs? Name 'em!
The York Foundation theme (its basically Dallas)
Early Sprach - Ric Flair’s WWF theme, which I feel is superior to 2001.
The Great Gate of Kiev Harley Race/Jerry Lawler, as a fan of classical music
Beverly Brothers - classic 80s synth pop
Sting’s Early 90s theme - yes, I was a lil Stinger
The Mountie’s first theme - superior in every way
Sting’s Seek and Destroy WCW theme.
DDP’s Self High Five Nirvana rip off.
Goldberg in his prime, during the streak, it was super exciting when you heard the music hit.
Kevin Steen’s Unsettling Differences RoH Theme.
Punk when he used to come out to Miseria Cantare, but the best… one-off… his last match in RoH coming out to Night Train!
Other ones that just have some great nostalgia tones Bret Hart, Razor Ramon, Sid Vicious, Money Inc.
Edit. Fucking forgot Stone Cold.
I’m a strong believer that a wrestling theme should immediately tell you who’s coming out. Mick Foley and Stone Cold are great examples. RVD coming out to Walk was always great, as well as Sandman coming out to Enter Sandman!
For entrances I always loved Kane with the ring post pyro. More recently the Death Triangle lighting up each member one by one was great. I also love the spin around the Gunns.
as well as Sandman coming out to Enter Sandman!
His One Night Stand 05 entrance will live rent free in my head for another 20 years.
A lot of the themes from 80’s WWF still bang. Bad Street USA, Big Boss Man, and American Dream being personal faves.
Just about every theme Motorhead did for Triple H was decent. Though I may be biased, because Motorhead.
For more recent stuff, I LOVE Claudio’s babyface theme (the punk/rock version of 1812 Overture)
On a more personal note, this was my CAW’s theme back when the WWE PS3 games would let you use mp3’s as entrance music.
Though I may be biased, because Motorhead.
Who’d win in a wrestling match, though. Lemmy or God?
Trick question, for Lemmy is God.
Definitely not a cop
Currently my favorite licensed song is probably Cope using Metalingus, although if Punk wasn’t such a tool I’d probably say Cult of Personality.
For custom songs Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens are up there for me, even though I don’t watch much WWE these days.
For favorite of all time, I’d go for Undertaker’s Rest in Peace.
Dark Side, WWF the Music Volume 3.
If you are lifting the dumbells or weights at the gym, running on the road, out fishing at twlight, it was one of the few Wrestling themes I had on my various mp3 players over the years. There were many, but this one was something special to me. It’s a top tier theme song for me.
There have been so many over the years. Some honroable mentions to theme groups I don’t care for, CFO$ did great work with Bobby Roode’s theme and as much as I hate Def Rebel, Roman’s Head of the Table theme is top notch, I don’t like his current theme, it takes too long to get going.
Licensed songs, Edge’s Never Gonna Stop Rob Zombie theme or CM Punk’s original edit of Cult of Personality or Kane’s Slow Chemical.
Licensed one time use: Undertaker edit of Johnny Cash’s Ain’t No Grave.
Obviously not just one, and so many more to add onto this. I think my ultimate preference though is when WWE had Johnston doing individual themes for the workers, and working with them to help craft them and updating them with minor edits as the characters evolved, no he didn’t always hit it out of the park, but his themes are more memorable and didn’t require just a name on the titantron or the performers name being said before the music starts.
Dude Love
New Jack will always be my favorite entrance.