As the title says, with things getting… spicy, I’m looking to purchase my first firearm.

I haven’t shot a gun since I was a kid, and I live in a deep blue area.

I want to make sure I cross all my T’s in making sure whatever I get is appropriate and practical.

What sort of accessories are typically purchased with a firearm, and how much should I look to spend for something of reasonable quality?

I’m assuming a few things are a given like a safe and extra ammo. What else do you suggest?

And not to beat a horse to death, and of course, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but are there brands that can be supported without feeling like my money is going to making problems worse?

    1 month ago

    I’m going to second the need for practice, that is much more valuable than the gun itself. Having said that, OP please go to a range to try out guns BEFORE you purchase one. You just don’t know how a gun will feel/fire in your hands until you use it. By no means is this a “my preferred brand is better” rant, when I went to buy my first gun I did a lot of research and had it narrowed down to 2 guns, and 1 just never felt “good” when I tried it out at the range, the other felt much, much better. Most ranges will charge you a gun rental fee at the range but you should then be able to try several at 1 session.

    • hovercat
      1 month ago

      Seconding the rental guns as well. At most ranges, it’s an extra $10-20 on your range fee, and they’ll let you try as many guns as you want for that price. Only downside is they’ll require use of pricier range ammo, but you’ll get a good idea for feel after a magazine or two.