• argv_minus_one@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Even if we stop pumping carbon in the air tomorrow it will still take centuries until the atmosphere is back to normal, barring any carbon capture.

    That would, however, stop it from getting any worse, which is kind of a big deal because it’s getting worse at a frightening rate.

    Making all out cars electrical is also cute. It’s a nice thought if it weren’t that all that electricity still mostly comes from CO2 emitting sources so including conversion losses electrical cars may actually send more CO2 in the atmosphere.

    You severely overestimate the energy efficiency of gasoline engines. A big reason to get rid of them is not only the fuel they burn, but how much of it they waste.

    We need nuclear power plants like there is no tomorrow in all countries, even the “bad” ones.

    You severely underestimate the resources required to build those. It costs some $20 billion to build one nuclear power plant. There’s a reason everybody’s focusing on solar and wind.

    Small modular reactors may be cheaper, but they also generate huge amounts of radioactive waste. Radioactive waste isn’t a serious problem now, but it will be if we start powering everything with SMRs.

    Atom cracking will not save us. Not unless there’s some kind of breakthrough.

    We will likely end up with some form of atmospheric engineering where we’re going to meas with the atmosphere, seeding clouds, or pumping other chemicals in there that negate the effects of CO2. I’m unsure what the results of that will be though

    1. It works.
    2. Big Oil chants “spray, baby, spray!”
    3. It works too well. Global freeze occurs. Everybody dies. Game over.

    Either way, you and I will NOT see the end of this, that is for our children’s children

    Have you stepped outside at any point in the last several years? Global warming is no longer a looming future threat for someone else to deal with. It’s here and now.