Alt Text: A screenshot of a Homescreen with lots of apps on it, notably all open source and almost all using the material you colouring scheme. Two arrows pointing to one app in particular, the Twitter App, which has gotten a new logo: an X.
Alt Text: A screenshot of a Homescreen with lots of apps on it, notably all open source and almost all using the material you colouring scheme. Two arrows pointing to one app in particular, the Twitter App, which has gotten a new logo: an X.
I like it a lot. Mainly use it for weight tracking, and less for the food facts. Just wish it had material you themed UI. Generic items are not implemented in OpenFoodFacts I think, which yes, is unfortunate.
If you ever want a more nutrient-focused app I can recommend Energize
Generic foods are included under the USDA FoodData Central database.
Though design-wise it’s a bit worse.
I don’t care that much about all the different brands. As I said earlier, I just track my weight and don’t eat bad stuff and hope that this does something. Thanks either way.
Edit: fixed my autocorrect