Currently, I use the old Tomoe, but someday that will run out, and it’s hard to know what shows off ink the best.

    2 years ago

    My go to is TR 68gsm. I really love CAL too. I have no idea what I will replace them with yet since they both are discontinued. I enjoy Midori MD, but I wish it came in ivory. For notepads I use as scratch pads, I use Rhodia since it’s relatively cheap and FP friendly.

    That being said, I am in the middle of trying out new paper to replace my go to paper. So far I like Maruman Nmemesoine, but the lack of non-spiral bound notebook variety is a big sticking point. Kokuyo Perpernap is up next. I have high hopes.

    I’m told the latest iteration of TR is very close to old TR classic 52gsm. I guess that will be my fallback.