Ford: we discovered we had classes with 4 or 5 people in them
I took several of those. Frankly advanced math departments are very small. It’s also very useful in surprising ways.
A lot of topics get niche and you would only have one school teaching a topic in the whole province if we didn’t have small classes at the top end.
E.g. math would literally only be Waterloo.
I enjoy comparing all the leaders on several metrics as I study all this
Look at all the education backgrounds of all four of them
Crombie, Schreiner and Stiles have plenty of post secondary education
Ford graduated high school and dropped out of college
👏👏 thank you!
You can also watch through the CBC website
EDIT: watching directly on the CBC website doesn’t require you to have an account and you can just watch it without needing to register or create an account on CBC GEM
Thank you for sharing the link
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Mike Schreiner comes across so well in these debates.
I’m an NDPer through and through, always have been, always will … but you are right, he does come across well in the debate
I like Marit too, she had a bit of a rocky start in this debate, but she’s running on full cylinders now (she totally got robbed of extra time to address Ford on crime a few minutes ago)
He’s one magnificent debater. (is that a word?)
He just seems informed and genuine. He talks about the issue without overly attacking.
Classic breakdown of issues … Greens and NDP … let’s talk about important issues regarding people … humans!
Liberals and Conservatives … will only ever talk about business, taxes and how big money will save the universe
My critique of Marit is she needs to be more direct on what they’re actually doing sometimes.
E.g the healthcare issue doesn’t have numbers, and at least on this one Doug is hammering Philpot and seats.
Agree, Crombie isn’t often talking about corporations, her retiring really echos her attack ads. Ford hits a few notes and then says “we’re the only with with economy”
I was dithering between NDP and LPC, I’m leaning hard NDP now. I wish Schreiner was NDP.
I wish someone like Schreiner were leading the NDP … I like Stiles but I do know that conservatives and conservative minded Ontarians will always prefer a male leader rather than a female … I don’t like it but it is the reality
I hate that and I wish it weren’t true.
Marit and Mike: … let’s talk about people
Crombie: … let’s kind of talk about people but I’m not sure
Ford: … let’s talk about business because big money will save us (especially my friends)
Crombie: I think the NDP candidate is just jealous of our fundraising
Marit stiles: wow
Loved her attack … but at the same time, they should both direct it to the conservatives and ask how much money conservatives are getting funding from private health companies
My personal scorecard
Stiles/NDP: 9/10
Schreiner/Greens: 7/10
Crombie/Liberal: 6/10
Ford/Conservative: 1/10… also WTF is Ford doing there standing like some stoned street hustler at the end of the program
My wife and I were laughing out loud at that
He looked ridiculous! I heard in my head “just smoke and wave boys” as he’s trying to walk off the stage and avoid chatting with anyone.
I can just hear the thought process: “…? … ! … hurry!, the drugs are wearing off!”
CTV News just took a baseball bat to the Greens knees by pointing out their support for Catholic Schools … if only this journalist had pointed out some shady stuff with the conservatives
We were just commenting that the leaders are the kind of high energy professionals that would most likely use a combination of medical drugs to keep them composed on the stage during events like this
Doug Ford and Bonnie Crombie: … have the best combination of drugs to keep them appearing like lucid and calm public speakers … but something is completely off about their appearance
Marit Stiles and Mike Schreiner: … look like the only two undrugged humans on the stage
Crombie looks really nervous tonight to me
Doug is doing this weird smile but his eyes aren’t so it looks weird to me.
Some of the shit Ford says … “Mississauga was well run before Bonnie” … boy I don’t know if anyone who lives here believes that. As if she didn’t get reelected with a huge majority…
Turn it around and ask how well is Ontario run … Crombie did a good job running a city … Ford is running an entire province into the ground
I really object to this format
“This government” — Ford you can respond
“All three of them” — no response.
lol this is the shouting segment I guess
Loved when he told Mike to join in the shouting then decided to shut it down.
When that happens, I would prefer they put it on mute and give everyone boxing gloves
They should just place a big giant clock under each speaker and then a count down every time they speak. Give everyone 40 minutes and it just goes down throughout the debate. Every ten minutes, everyone is stopped so that they all reach ten minutes increments.
Love Marit’s drive against Crombie on private health care donations
Ford constantly trying to show a good face … then slaps everyone with mac and cheese
I do believe that and burgers are the only meals he could cook.
The family is also famous of cooking meth and crack
The custom is that the first hit is free
Ford doesn’t eat burgers. He just BBQs them for the camera. Which is so much worse.
Doug Ford asking the worlds longest question here
Is he ever asking questions or just regurgitating advertising
lol “you won’t be able to afford the trees”
Who cut them down?
LOL @ Crombie at the end - pls ONDP voters, vote OLP. Smart line to go with instead of chasing Doug’s electorate, but still funny. … if you and your wife had to give a scorecard of the debate … what would you give it?
I would put:
Mike: 9/10 Marit: 7/10 Bonnie: 5/10 Doug: 5/10
Mike did a good job, but nobody really targeted him or argued against him. But head to head vs Bonnie he bested her with the costed platform.
Marit I think did well, but I didn’t feel like she hit back on the economy or the times Doug kept saying “your party did this”, which they obviously didnt do.
Bonnie outright lost my vote on this one. At times she had some good points, but her debate wasn’t convincing. I’d have liked to see more pushing this is a new Liberal party. She seemed nervous and under-rehearsed, and nobody gave Doug Ford more speaking time than she did with pretty weak criticisms of him.
Doug I didn’t expect to like any way. He at least kept hammering a few points and was the only one to really have any points on the US tarrifs (but even then it was low on substance).
P.S I enjoyed discussing the debate live with you
Thanks for the perspective … always feels good to share ideas and thoughts with others. I just wish more people could have joined our conversation as we all watched. Not just to confirm our own ideas but to have our perspectives challenged and to see the opinions of others.
All the best to you and your family.
Same to you and yours!