B is full of nsfw

  • Cinnamon3431@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    buying veggies from across the globe is still more environmentally friendly than buying local animal products, what you buy is more important that where you buy from. But yeah I see you. You just like the taste better and feel less bloated. I just don’t think this outweighs the exploitation and killing of animals. Why should they suffer and die just so that you feel less bloated and have your tongue treated?

    • Cinnamon3431@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      also when you go vegan your body adjusts and after a while veggies wont bloat you any more than animal products bloat you now. Same goes for taste, you’ll learn new foods and recipes that will give you the same amount of enjoyment. We are conditioned to crave meat dairy and eggs, but if you go a while without it you won’t miss it anymore (trust me, I didn’t believe this either when I still ate animal products). And if you really can’t live without meaty products you can do so at your own cost and buy vegan substitutes. They may not be as healthy as whole foods, but that’s a choice you can make at your own cost instead of at the cost of sentient beings.

    • Perkele@lemmy.whynotdrs.org
      1 year ago

      Why should they suffer and die just so that you feel less bloated and have your tongue treated?

      Not all animals are treated badly, I was raised on a farm and our livestock was treated really good.

      buying veggies from across the globe is still more environmentally friendly than buying local animal products, what you buy is more important that where you buy from.

      Supporting locally produce just makes sense imo. Being self sufficient in an unstable world is security. Nobody knows what the future brings, and being dependant on nations far away doesn’t make any sense. It’s also easier to stay lean and healthy on a low carb meat diet.

      And the whole vegan thing is just strange to me. I don’t know any vegetarians and to my knowledge I don’t think I’ve ever met one (that I know of).