Just more supporting evidence that anti-DEI is more about being Pro White.
Do you also need more supporting evidence that water is wet?
It’s Pro White Male to be precise
Always has been
(White person gets a job or wins an award)
GOP: I see no racism here
(Anyone but a white person gets a job or wins an award)
GOP: Reverse racism!!!
This is basically their “all fronts” approach to walk back perceptions. It’s about controlling the narrative so that it’s ingrained in the psyche that there’s an airs of illegitimacy around anything a minority does.
It’s entirely rooted in their supremacist playbook.
Gods, take the crypto/tech bro young adults that are being hired by Elon and used to destroy and infiltrate sensitive government systems right the fuck now. The extreme disconnect between what’s happening and what they’re fake angry about is fucking wild.
‘Hiring and promotion practices that help emulate or better represent the population as a whole, to better enable minorities to grow equally with the majority population’ is wrong!’
But on the other end;
‘Let me hire my bro from college/from a wealthy donor family/from within my family/from a friend of the family, etc who is highly under qualified and has the sketchiest of loyalties but is loyal to me alone since I am making him from scratch and he owes me everything…’
And not a single republiklan sees anything wrong with it. Fucking hell. Even these comments on this website are going to bite me in the ass in the next year or so. I could lose my employment by not showing enough loyalty to our ‘golden god’ and his ‘crypto Jesus’. This is bonkers.
The Vice President of the United States said an openly racist, belligerently so with extremely racist online comments, shouldn’t have been canceled and should be able to keep his job at dismantling our US government systems. It blows my mind.
Always has been. This place sucks.
I’m not really a fan of hers, but I’m pretty certain she won a Grammy because she’s fucking Beyonce not because she’s black.
These white supremacists are thrown into confusion whenever a white person isn’t chosen for anything at all. Which would just be pathetic, but they run the country so it’s a problem.
DEI is the reason I have a pimple on my face. It’s the reason why it’s only a slightly nice day. It’s because of DEI that that I have an itch in a hard fo reach place on my back. It’s because of DEI I didn’t properly time that roll in Dark Souls. It’s because of DEI my wife is allergic to polen.
And so on, and ao forth. What’s your X reason to blame DEI?
It’s freezing cold outside right now!
Damn DEI controlling the weather!
America doesn’t have a problem … America is relapsing
DEI has become the socially-acceptable way to say the N-Word
And claiming someone is a DEI-Hire or “Won because of DEI”, has become the polite way to say that a black person’s accomplishments are invalid due to them being black.
When someone who’s never accomplished anything impressive sees someone who has, if they’re a piece of shit, their reaction is to attack that person.
America has always been a racist as fuck country. The only difference is that it’s now blatantly mask off.
To quote Sonny from In the Heights, “racism in this nation has gone from latent to blatant”. And that was in 2008. I wonder what he’d say now.
Racist Congressman Burgess Owens (R-UT) has joined the disproportionately vocal minority of racists who were unimpressed by Beyoncé at the Grammy Awards last Sunday because she’s black.
Write it like the truth, because anything else downplays how awful these people are.
It’s hard to imagine anyone more corporate than Beyonce: a soulless, money-driven try-hard record-company employee of the month.
Please don’t make listening to Beyonce an act of rebellion. I’m not strong enough.
The Grammys are awards for whoever spent the most money on recording and marketing anyway. They have little to do with any kind of artistic or technical merit or musicianship. Maybe never did.
Don’t forget, the phrase DEI ends in a HARD “r” for these people.
I chalk up Burgess Owen’s statements to CTE.
so fucking crazy and illogical that it’s just a distraction and not real
“look over here
while we implement Project 2025! Beyonce! DEI! What’s your opinion?! Let’s engage in aracist and pointlessdebate about whether Beyonce deserves singing accoladeswhile we ready the wall for women who get abortions.”The thing is, it’s not one or the other. Project 2025 is chock full of racist shit.