A nice website to download from youtube Without ads or anything o love it Press auto for video And there is also settings to select what type of quality or codec you want A nice website to download from youtube Without ads or anything o love it Press auto for video And there is also settings to select what type of quality or codec you want
Looks like a nice online wrapper for yt-dlp. If you’re on a computer you’re better off using that. There’s also versions of it for android. But I guess it’s good for iOS and ease of use?
Seal for Android is really good and uses yt-dlp as the backend, with easy in-app updates.
If you’re hardcore, you can write a bash script to be the URL handler for Termux and then have yt-dlp download it. You then “share” a YouTube link to Termux and your script runs. The main benefit is your script can present a menu of options for different video qualities or different target folders to save the file in, or whatever you can think of. One idea being to save just the audio to MP3.
Seal can do all of that, too. It has custom command presets, but I haven’t tinkered with them. The Termux solution predates Seal by years, and gives you compete control.
Yeah it is the most convenient option for iOS ive found