Soup to nuts
literal crime ring
Now that’s some hilarious and apropos journalism
a soup barcode just landed him in the can
do US stores not have the infuriating scales that weigh everything you scan? If you scan soup, and put down anything else itll scream “UNEXPECTED ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA” until a staff member clears it
In my area we did for like, three months, then they removed that because the machines would do it all the time to legitimate products.
I’m surprised they cared, it could be there was another reason they removed it. But I’ve had years without that feature at this point. NE united states.
Walmart has had this disabled for years in any walmart I’ve ever been in. Their first few generations of self check were super unreliable on it so it was easier for them to have it disabled and not annoy customers then to keep it enabled and hinder everyone just to save on some shoplifting.
I mean, the trick would be to have barcode(s) in a ring for inexpensive items that you know weigh the same as expensive items.
There are two similarly priced grocery stores near me. One does this, the other does not. I avoid the one that does.
They do, so I’m not sure how he got away with this.
Because the employees just clear it because the scales are so broken
Also because they expect you to load a whole cart full of groceries onto an 8"x8" bagging area.
Well nobody is putting a grill onto the scales to measure it
The Walmart in my town does not have the scales.
You can usually tell it that you want to skip bagging up to a certain number of items, at least at the stores near me.
He got too greedy. He could have bought a small table top gas grill for less than 100 and probably gotten away with it.
4011 gang rise up!
This reminded me of my very first job in which I learned that knowledge of the undocumented PLU codes on the cash register could be more powerful than the management key. Similar concept ha ha
this is extremely common. The amount of people who would scan the wrong barcode (hidden in palm) or scan one item skip one item was insane when I worked there.
The HackRF has an app that let’s you choose different UPC codes on the screen.
Gotta find a shitty enough checkout to do it though. At the store I go to, the self checkout freaks the fuck out and calls a worker over with video replay if you accidentally lean on the scale, which is at thigh height.
Idaho continues to be an intellectual powerhouse, god love em
Well then.
I’m doing this now.