Your choices do not exist in a vacuum. Earth is an interconnected community of living and non-living things says ethicist Patrick Effiong Ben of the University of Manchester. African philosophers like Jonathan Chimakonam and Aïda Terblanché-Greeff have a helpful concept for thinking through the weightiness of your decisions: complementarity.

    1 month ago

    Totally, individuals contribute to the problem, no disagreement there. I’ve tried to limit how much I use google (mostly for other reasons, but climate impact is one), but I’ve also repeatedly called my congresspeople and asked them to proactively regulate the tech industry and to divest from fossil fuel companies and to stop all drilling domestically. The corporations will never do the right thing on their own, which is kind of the point. Since the systems are set up to excuse bad behavior from the biggest polluters, who do disproportionately more damage than any single person or group of people, blaming individuals is usually a red herring to offset the real responsible parties.