ID: ally @missmayn posted: “the democrats were more energized and organized against campus protests than the current authoritarian takeover.”

    2 months ago

    The US democratic party is a party of centrists with no goals

    That’s just not true. The democratic party is a coalition group with a great variety of goals that don’t form a coherent ideal. You have AOC who’s a either a social democrat saying she’s a democratic socialist or a democratic socialist who’s hiding her true ideals behind policies that advance her goals but are far easier to sell than what she really wants. Then you have obvious fascists who are clearly there only to enable the wealthy. Aside from them you have the people who believe that the democratic process is sacrosanct and above defiance even in the face of someone obviously attempting to subvert it.

    Aside from that, on average the Democrats prefer action against climate change, that the rights of minorities be protected, and are less anti-worker than the GOP. These are real differences that matter. There’s no such thing as “centrism” and pretending otherwise is an amazing way to excuse not supporting the largest institution that will lock your worst enemies out of power, even if they don’t do anything.

    Furthermore, even if the DNC literally never got anything done (which, to be clear, they have done good things that support workers like favorable rules for Unions)that would be great for us, because it’d mean their feckless ineffectual leadership would give us plenty of room to build parallel institutions, educate, and bring others around to our ways of thinking. When the GOP is in charge that becomes harder and it’s more dangerous for everyone involved.