The circus is in town! Two clowns duking it out in the digital colosseum: one’s waving a flag, the other’s throwing shit. Meanwhile, we’re all fucked sideways by the system they represent. But sure, keep tweeting your little hearts out while Rome burns. At least the engagement’s good, right? Christ, we’re so far down the rabbit hole, Alice would need a fucking space shuttle to find us… Pass the soma, I’m checking out.
The circus is in town! Two clowns duking it out in the digital colosseum: one’s waving a flag, the other’s throwing shit. Meanwhile, we’re all fucked sideways by the system they represent. But sure, keep tweeting your little hearts out while Rome burns. At least the engagement’s good, right? Christ, we’re so far down the rabbit hole, Alice would need a fucking space shuttle to find us… Pass the soma, I’m checking out.