Yeah, the second is a portmanteau I’ve seen used to refer to Nazi-esque behavior, the joke being the vaguely similar pronunciation.
Apparently it can be an actual anti-German term, which I wasn’t aware of, so I’ll restrict my usage to people who know I’m not being racist (nationalist? xenophobic?).
Akash Bobba, 21, a student at the University of California, Berkeley; Edward Coristine, 19, a student at Northeastern University in Boston; and Ethan Shaotran, 22, who said in September he was a senior at Harvard.
The ones who actually have degrees, or at least have left college, are: Luke Farritor, 23, who attended the University of Nebraska without graduating; Gautier Cole Killian, a 24-year-old who attended McGill University; and Gavin Kliger, a 25-year-old who attended Berkeley;
I hope these kids understand just how hated they are and how history is going to treat them.
Of course not, that’s why Musk picked kids after all.
God it starts at 19 and has one of each age. I think of the young republican duschebags from college. we are so doomed.
Commonly accepted spellings are
Douchebag the pejorative term for people comes from a tool used to push fluids into cavities
Deutschbag is a variation I’ve not heard of, the pronunciation only works if you pronounce it wrong, and it feels like an anti-German variation
Yeah, the second is a portmanteau I’ve seen used to refer to Nazi-esque behavior, the joke being the vaguely similar pronunciation.
Apparently it can be an actual anti-German term, which I wasn’t aware of, so I’ll restrict my usage to people who know I’m not being racist (nationalist? xenophobic?).
I for one am glad I have faces to attach to the piece of shit.
If I ever see one in public, they get a nice crisp high-five. To the face.
They’re going to need some batteries for their electronics too, Philly-style. Ah, kids these days and their tech.
Thats horrible. I would never want to see a high speed piece of flesh hit them in the face.