There is a coup occurring now

    1 month ago

    Content Warning for Ya’ll, Transphobia-

    Hey I went digging and I found that one of the speakers at CPAC (the Conservative Political Action Conference) in 2023, a prick named Michael Knowles, said “For the good of society … transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely — the whole preposterous ideology, at every level.”

    And then he got all mad and demanded a bunch of retractions because he claims that saying you want to eradicate transgenderism is somehow different than saying you want to eradicate transgender people and went on to say some extremely upsettingly stupid things about how it can’t be calling for genocide because “It’s not a legitimate category of being.”. Out of the two links, that one at Human Rights Campaign has a lot of other instances of assholery, so it’s a good link for this conversation.

    So it seems (unsurprisingly) like chuds are trying to move the goalposts on, “it can’t be genocide if they’re not really people,” which is actually way, way more disgusting than anything else I’ve read. Glad I went looking for supporting documentation, sad I found so much of it so quickly.

    And for any chuds who want to argue these points as if this is distinct from the Trump administration, please actually read that second link. There are exact quotes from Trump, from Reps, from former advisors. They did a great job collating info for us.