• DreamlandLividity@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Seems we either disagree on what “character-assasination” means or one of us has flawed understanding of how witness testimony in court works.

    Considering how many actual court documents I read through and how many explanations from lawyers how various rules and procedures work I watched, I would be surprised if it was me with the flawed understanding but it is possible. I was never in court myself after all.

    But you are still dodging a big issue with your argument. You are saying the same administrators that are so smart they can determine who is guilty on their own without any lawyers, proper process or cross examination are simultaneously dumb enough to be swayed by a character-assasination and would let 99 out of 100 rapists go.

    • Log in | Sign up@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I didn’t say they would be swayed by it, I said it shouldn’t happen.

      I’m amused by your switch from how harrowing a rape trial is for the victim to less specific stuff including some videos from lawyers, but you still, as I predicted, have no intention of reading rape victims accounts because as you’ve made clear again and again, women’s experiences aren’t what you want to understand. I’m not sure the rapist defending lawyers made a lot of videos about how they harangue rape victims in court and drag their reputation through the mud as the standard defence technique. I don’t know why you thought that the lawyers would admit to that on youtube.

      • DreamlandLividity@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Let’s ignore you misreading what I wrote about court documents and procedures and suggesting I instead get information from the most biased and subjective source available.

        I didn’t say they would be swayed by it, I said it shouldn’t happen.

        Are you arguing the lawyers would do character assassination on rape victims for fun, even though they would know it does not help them win the case?

        Because if it did not work, they have no real reason to do it. And if it works, back to my argument about administrators being incapable.

          • DreamlandLividity@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            So what actually is your argument? Why shouldn’t be lawyers allowed or even required at the school hearings?

            I was under the impression you were afraid they would do character assassinations to get rapists of the hook, further traumatizing the victims. Now you say that is not what you claim and you were just talking about actual courts for some reason?

            • Log in | Sign up@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              The character assassination and sex life trashing that lawyers do in rape trials is unnecessary, harrowing for the victims, is based on an illogical argument that a woman who has sex with anyone wants sex with everyone, obstructs justice by letting the vast majority of rapists go free, and should not be allowed in school over an exclusion. Kids get excluded every week over far less, but you just care about the rich rapists being allowed to bring their expensive lawyers in to harass girls for speaking out over sexual violence and stay in the same dining hall as their victims.

              • DreamlandLividity@lemmy.world
                1 month ago

                Ah yes, so the exact argument I just debunked and unfounded personal insults and liabel. Sounds about right.

                Let me repeat it for you one last time.

                • If the administrators are not able to determine properly who is guilty without lawyers and procedure, then you should add lawyers and procedure or otherwise improve the situation
                • If they are so smart they are somehow able to do that, they would be able to see through any character assassination and trashing done by lawyers, not taking them into account
                • If they don’t take character assassinations and thrashing into account, lawyers have no motivation to actually do the harassment you claim they would do
                • If your whole argument is let’s just expel innocent people because it is better than not expelling a rapist, then go back to all the counterarguments you ignored in previous comments while you focused on mudding the waters with irrelevant (bad faith) arguments about court trials
                • Log in | Sign up@lemmy.world
                  1 month ago

                  Really interesting that you call what I said libel!

                  you should add lawyers and procedure or otherwise improve the situation

                  The lawyers are what makes the situation worse, not better.

                  If they are so smart they are somehow able to do that, they would be able to see through any character assassination and trashing done by lawyers, not taking them into account

                  Making the whole thing an unnecessary ordeal that’s just there to discourage girls from reporting it even to the school.

                  If they don’t take character assassinations and thrashing into account, lawyers have no motivation to actually do the harassment you claim they would do

                  It’s all about the victim shaming and humiliation of women. That’s the point of it. And it sways juries.

                  If your whole argument is let’s just expel innocent people because it is better than not expelling a rapist,

                  You overuse the “your whole argument” misrepresentation debating technique. If only there were a phrase for that kind of fallacy.

                  You repeatedly ignore the fact that Trump is a rapist who has a track record of using expensive lawyers to harass women who speak out about it, and that you should have seventy times the skepticism about a rapist changing the rules in favour of rapists, but somehow you can’t hear that without shreiking about bias or ignoring it completely.

                  Don’t put the lunatics in charge of the asylum, don’t listen to sex offenders proposing changes to how sex offenders are dealt with, and don’t defend rapists who want to change how schools deal with rapists. It really stretches people’s ability to see you as having any sort of rationality or objectivity on the issue when you can’t accept this point.

                  • DreamlandLividity@lemmy.world
                    1 month ago

                    You overuse the “your whole argument” misrepresentation debating technique. If only there were a phrase for that kind of fallacy.

                    Because you repeatedly refuse to state what you are arguing. Switching from argument to argument.

                    Making the whole thing an unnecessary ordeal that’s just there to discourage girls from reporting it even to the school.

                    How is it unnecessary? Do you believe no false accusations are made? Do you believe the previous system was able to deal with false accusations? Or do you believe that falsely expelling innocent people does not matter?

                    You repeatedly refuse to answer the above, because you clearly know each one of the options can be easily disproven. So you just try to mix all the options together and throw in extra irrelevant statements hoping to create enough confusion that it can’t be argued against.

                    That’s why my previous comment had to have bullet points addressing different interpretation of your vague bullshit and it still does not seem enough.

                    You repeatedly ignore the fact that Trump is a rapist who has a track record of using expensive lawyers to harass women who speak out about it, and that you should have seventy times the skepticism about a rapist changing the rules in favour of rapists, but somehow you can’t hear that without shreiking about bias or ignoring it completely.

                    Don’t put the lunatics in charge of the asylum, don’t listen to sex offenders proposing changes to how sex offenders are dealt with, and don’t defend rapists who want to change how schools deal with rapists. It really stretches people’s ability to see you as having any sort of rationality or objectivity on the issue when you can’t accept this point.

                    And you keep throwing in ad hominem arguments and false claims about what I believe. Bringing in Trump who is irrelevant to the argument. Why is he irrelevant? Because I don’t listen to Trump. I held the belief that this change should be done for years, ever since I read about 5 girls falsely accusing a boy of rape and being caught bragging about the false accusation. I read how he was kicked out of school. I read how he was under house arrest for months. I read how despite clear recorded admission that the girls made it up, prosecutor refused to charge them with false reports “Because it could discourage girls from speaking up”. Yeah, no shit. It is supposed to discourage false claims. I read how the school administration despite clear evidence the claim was false refused to apologise or even just readmit him to the school. I tried to look up that case right now and google finds so many false rape accusation I can’t even find the one that I read those years ago.

                    How many false claims are never included in any statistic, because the accusers are not dumb enough to send each other texts and voicemails admitting to it? So yes, I believe there should be more protections for the innocent people that are falsely accused.

                    So when I saw Trump actually made the change I believed should have been done for years, I find it ridiculous people will repeatedly shit on it just because of who enacted it. That people could not go a few messages without mentioning Trump is a fascist and rapist in a discussion that should have nothing to do with him. That people would repeatedly call me Trump supporter for happening to agree with single one of his policies.

                    I shouldn’t be forced to write this. In any genuine good faith discussion about policy, individual politicians or parties should not be playing a role. Just the merits and demerits of the policy. But you refuse that. Instead of arguing why you think the policy is unnecessary, you again and again resort to personal insults and “Trump bad” statements that have nothing to do with it.

                    1. You would rather 99 out of 100 guilty rapists get to further traumatise their victim at school.
                    2. It’s because you don’t care two cents about rape victims,
                    3. you only care about male impunity
                    4. just like your leader Trump

                    After writing this shit repeatedly, you have the gall to say I am the one using “misrepresentation debating technique”? Just because I am forced to divine what your argument is from the word spaghetti you keep throwing at the wall hoping for something to stick? So go and make a proper logical argument, without 20 non sequesters weaved in just to confuse everything. I am not able to read minds, so when you write vague statements instead of a full coherent argument, I have to guess what your argument could be.