Researchers have been archiving government websites for months.

    1 month ago

    Of course it has.

    There are two qualities that are crucial to fulfilling Trump’s dictatorial ambitions - hatred and ignorance. He needs people to be hateful enough to support his overtly destructive and oppressive rule and ignorant enough to not figure out that they will suffer/are suffering right alongside the people they hate.

    Step 1 was to gain control of the legacy media and social media and he’s mostly already done that (there are still some holdouts, but they’ll have to be destroyed if they won’t submit and that will come later). Step 2 is to solidify control of the governmental distribution of information and use that to suppress information that might undermine his dictatorial ambitions and promote and even manufacture information that will further them. That’s exactly what he and his co-conspirators and their mercenaries are doing right now.