Studies show that the volume or thickness of certain brain regions expand during monthly periods—but they don’t reveal whether that’s connected to emotional fluctuations.
The important connection here is that the uterus growth-stimulating effect of estrogen also applies to the hippocampus, which is important in forming and retrieving memories. This means that a few days after your girl is done with her period is the absolute worst time to make a mistake. That memory will be locked in forever.
She’ll be able to recall it decades later. Thanks to the power of estrogen.
The important connection here is that the uterus growth-stimulating effect of estrogen also applies to the hippocampus, which is important in forming and retrieving memories. This means that a few days after your girl is done with her period is the absolute worst time to make a mistake. That memory will be locked in forever.
She’ll be able to recall it decades later. Thanks to the power of estrogen.