My gender therapist told me this in response to something I said referencing my chest. It was a while ago but it’s stuck with me. I’m wondering what you all think of this comment? The comment felt disqualifying, like I was less male for calling my chest a “breast”, or I would be seen as less male because of it, but I can be pretty sensitive so I might be overthinking and she might be right that men don’t talk like that.

    23 days ago

    Cis Dude, Queer, Texas, Mid-30s

    If I’m talking between other men about a lady’s breasts, I’ll use tits or boobs, my best friend has an injoke where we use a flat “breasts” (:55)

    If I’m in mixed company, boobs or breasts.

    With women, especially older women, I’ll use breasts or bosom if I’m feeling silly.

    Younger women (if they bring up the subject) I’ll sometimes do a idiot meathead word for them as a joke. “My poor ex had a bad back from her… her… what’s the good word for bazongas again?”

    For my own man-tiddies, I use bosoms or Robertsons. Men’s bodies are inheritedly funny to me, so I don’t use serious words to describe the less flattering details on me.