While the republicans are both funded by and work towards the interests of the wealthy, democrats claim to work for the working class while still relying on the wealthy for funding - creating a conflict that keeps magnifying.
I’m generally skeptical of polls, but Quinnipiac has a good reputation. https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3918
this makes me sad. it tells me according to this poll 6 in ten american voters are complete morons
Have you considered that, regardless of how dogshit the Republican party is, the Democratic party is also in fact dogshit?
The US has always been an oligarchy by design. Previously:
The US government was never not captured by the bourgeoisie, because the US was born of a bourgeois revolution[1]. The wealthy, white, male, land-owning, largely slave-owning Founding Fathers constructed a bourgeois state with “checks and balances” against the “tyranny of the majority”. It was never meant to represent the majority—the working class—and it never has, despite eventually allowing women and non-whites (at least those not disenfranchised by the carceral system) to vote. BBC: [Princeton & Northwestern] Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy
i’m well aware that the democrats suck. that doesn’t excuse fuckin’ 60% of americans saying that troops should be at the border. that’s just some shit
This question returns closer to ~50/50, which is still horrifying: “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling immigration issues?” Responses were heavily split by party.
The question that returned ~60/40 is a bit leading in that it implies the border has security issues in the first place: “Do you approve or disapprove of sending U.S. troops to the southern border with Mexico to enforce border security?”
Way too high. A little lower and maybe a third party can take over.