Like, how are you, not just as a greeting.

    1 month ago

    Here’s my take. I grew up in the Cold War. I saw no way out. Figured we were all done, with a state of permanent Cold War until an inevitable Hot War that ends it all. And then, very suddenly, in 1989, the Cold War was over. No nuclear explosions, no cities vaporized. Just a new and hopeful future.

    And now, here we are today. I see no way out of the climate crisis, and it’s depressing. But I haven’t forgotten the lesson I learned from the Cold War. Just because I can’t see a way out, it doesn’t mean there isn’t, or that there won’t be. I don’t know how, but I’ve seen it before, humanity’s disaster somehow averted out of nowhere. Doesn’t mean we’ll skip climate disaster. Just means that just because you don’t see a way out right now, there still may be a way, and we should all work toward such a future.

    Thank you for reading my Ted Talk. Fingers crossed.