IDK about 37 glasses (how much even is that) but I once got an ambulance ride after downing 9 liters of water in a single 8 hour work shift (I worked a desk job). That definitely fucked up my electolytes a bit.
because some places don’t realize that imperial units are only used outside of science classes. in science, its all metric for the most part. its not one or the other, its both.
it’s like the concept of metric time(yes it did exist at some point). It was eventually dropped. regardless if you think its bad, blame the pirates that raided the ship carrying metric measurements to the US
when do you use all of those measurements in the same context is the follow up question.
for example, why do europeans still use calories for food. the SI unit for energy is joule. things are decided because “thats what people are used to” . the calorie is not an SI unit.
And what do you mean you europeans? You guys use calories too! So does china and… I have not been to any other countries but I am fairly certain they use calories too!
IDK about 37 glasses (how much even is that) but I once got an ambulance ride after downing 9 liters of water in a single 8 hour work shift (I worked a desk job). That definitely fucked up my electolytes a bit.
a glass is roughly 8 ounce. 1 gallon of water is 128 fluid ounces.
so 37 glasses is about 2.3 gallons. (about 8.7L). for roundings sake, lets just say 2.5 gallons or 9L worth
Genuinely incapable of understanding how could your education system be so bad with that measurement system!
because some places don’t realize that imperial units are only used outside of science classes. in science, its all metric for the most part. its not one or the other, its both.
it’s like the concept of metric time(yes it did exist at some point). It was eventually dropped. regardless if you think its bad, blame the pirates that raided the ship carrying metric measurements to the US
We used the imperial when I attended 1 year of middle school there, even in science class?
And surely you guys use measurement units outside of scientific context, no? How the fuck is this usable even in everyday example? ( Shot 2020-10-17 at 11.47.02 PM.png)
It physically hurts me to even look at this!
what were you measuring in middle school of all things, that would warrant using imperial units…
if you cant look at anything not based 10, I hope you dont handle anything time or computer related
Was your measurement systems values decided by a drunk dice game?
Just say that out loud
when do you use all of those measurements in the same context is the follow up question.
for example, why do europeans still use calories for food. the SI unit for energy is joule. things are decided because “thats what people are used to” . the calorie is not an SI unit.
Why would you change calories into joules?
And what do you mean you europeans? You guys use calories too! So does china and… I have not been to any other countries but I am fairly certain they use calories too!
Ah, so slightly more than 37 glasses can kill you then.
Normal glasses here are 0.25 litters more or less. That’s around 4 glasses a litter.
37 glasses are 9.25 liters. Rounded down to 9 because people don’t fill their classes to the brim, idk.
Your numbers scare me.
I say some water not to follow this guy wicked advice.