“It was wrong for them to hire and promote based on whiteness in the past and now it’s wrong for them to promote or hire based on non-whiteness. Both versions are wrong. Plain and simple.”
Except one of things is the norm and the other is not and never has been.
In 2022, 88.1% of CEOs were men, and 88.8% were Caucasian.
For management in general 70% is made up of men and the other 30% consists of women. It has traditionally been seen as a male-dominated profession – and frequent studies show that even with the inclusion of more women, it’s still more masculine-orientated.
You entire rant boils down to one bad experience. Guess fucking what? They hired a white kid at my past job who had no clue how to be a manager and we all had to train his incompetent ass. This is a very common story in management and it does not require a minority to make it happen.
I would seriously start reflecting on your racists attitudes. You are literally one Fox News segment away from being a full on bigot.
“It was wrong for them to hire and promote based on whiteness in the past and now it’s wrong for them to promote or hire based on non-whiteness. Both versions are wrong. Plain and simple.”
Except one of things is the norm and the other is not and never has been.
In 2022, 88.1% of CEOs were men, and 88.8% were Caucasian.
For management in general 70% is made up of men and the other 30% consists of women. It has traditionally been seen as a male-dominated profession – and frequent studies show that even with the inclusion of more women, it’s still more masculine-orientated.
You entire rant boils down to one bad experience. Guess fucking what? They hired a white kid at my past job who had no clue how to be a manager and we all had to train his incompetent ass. This is a very common story in management and it does not require a minority to make it happen.
I would seriously start reflecting on your racists attitudes. You are literally one Fox News segment away from being a full on bigot.