It still requires Congress to pass legislation. I think they would have to leave the organization entirely or amend the resolution to join it and recognize it’s naming convention. The executive order is illegal.
A line joining Cape Catoche Light (21°37′N 87°04′W) with the Light on Cape San Antonio in Cuba, through this island to the meridian of 83°W and to the Northward along this meridian to the latitude of the South point of the Dry Tortugas (24°35’N), along this parallel Eastward to Rebecca Shoal (82°35’W) thence through the shoals and Florida Keys to the mainland at the eastern end of Florida Bay and all the narrow waters between the Dry Tortugas and the mainland being considered to be within the Gulf.
The difference is that it’s intentional waters and the International Hydrographic Organization is in charge of standardizing the names.
The IHO proposes names which world nations may or may not use.
Such is the case with the “Southern Ocean” around Antarctica since the early 2000s, which is randomly recognized & not recognized by world nations.
It still requires Congress to pass legislation. I think they would have to leave the organization entirely or amend the resolution to join it and recognize it’s naming convention. The executive order is illegal.
I don’t disagree.
But recent interpretation of the use of executive order is hurtling toward the president having near-monarch authority
So, until the reach of executive orders gets reigned in… here we are.
Actually very little of the gilf falls into international waters