• AA5B@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    You may be misunderstanding my description a bit. Think of Thread as Zigbee 2.0. It’s not, but that’s a useful way of thinking of it. It’s a_local_ mesh network just like Zigbee, even using the same frequency. The protocol stack is different: it’s IPv6 for capability, but completely separate from your Ethernet/wifi. There is no online requirement, at least from the standard.

    Matter is Ethernet/WiFi based and can act as a gateway for Thread, but theirs is no online requirement, at least from the standard.

    But yes, companies will ignorantly or willfully violate things like that. My most recent example is effing Netgear. I didn’t think I had to ask whether my new router’s “separate IoT network” was actually separate. I set up a different ssid, configured it to 2.4GHz only, separate password …. WTF, it’s on the same network with no separation? How is that even a useful thing?