And if you’d decide to leave, where would you go?

Context for why I’m asking: I’m trans and currently live in Minnesota, I moved here from Florida so I have some idea of how miserable big moves can be. I can get EU citizenship which makes me very lucky, but… Do I sit here and hope Minnesota can protect me from 🥭 or do I try to build a life somewhere else, again?

    1 month ago

    Skipping a lot of pitfalls by assuming like for like standard of living, family stays together, similar job, and no question whether we’d get in or not, probably one of the scandiavian countries. I’d need to do some research, but there’s one of them (or more?) I thought that had both super high taxes (wait for it) and also a super happy population with a wide array of well thought out public services.

    I’d settle for any country where I could be reasonably likely not to encounter death camps or civil war within the next few decades, though.