• an angrier terrarian
        411 months ago

        Thats interesting and useful if i ever get a cat.

        Do they make bowls that alleviate this problem?

        • DessertStorms
          410 months ago

          Just fyi, it also applies to their drinking dish, but not necessarily to all cats - some are fine with whatever, some will develop aversions for whatever reason (mine will eat and drink out of most things, but in recent years has started refusing to drink if the water is near her food) and some will be picky all their lives until you find them the right things.

          Just like us - they’ve each got their own personality and likes and dislikes!

  • rumschlumpel
    310 months ago

    Meanwhile, half the people I meet: has too much hearing damage to hear cicadas (apparently it’s a high enough frequency that people are still relatively functional while being deaf to cicadas)