Go away Europol. We already have enough problems to deal with around Big Tech right now without also having to worry about European police states demanding them to do away with any semblance of user privacy.
“When we have a search warrant and we are in front of a house and the door is locked, and you know that the criminal is inside of the house, the population will not accept that you cannot enter.”
If you already know they’re a criminal (i.e. they’re already convicted), why do you need their messages? Or are you referring to suspects as criminals? Also, likening digital communications to actual, physical, living individuals is some “You Wouldn’t Download a Car”-level fear-mongering.
While we’re at it, let’s ban languages that aren’t understood by Europol employees. Criminals could be using them to have private conversations.
“Fascist asks fascist tech buddies to out non fascists”
The only infrastructure we’ll be able to trust is our own.
Lol Stazi wannabees