Sorry if its not the right place to post, i just dont know where else to ask. I am searching for a book Discover what you are best at. I had already looked through libgen, flibusta, z-lib. I had also went through megathread, but to my knowledge these sites are the best bets to find any book. Is there anywhere else i can look for?
Great resource!
Thank you! It is there, however I have troubles downlading for some reason, but I will figure it out
Specifically, try searching by ISBN (0684839563)
Yep, it is there, thank you!
Myanonamouse probably has it but you’d need to apply to get access as it is a private tracker.
Amazingly MAM does not have it
Thank you for checking! I found it on annas archive
Wow. I didn’t have time to look when I was replying but that shocks me. They have had everything ive ever looked for!
One suggestion could be to use a search engine that supports google dorking/hacking.
If you need exact searches, surround a word with quotes. Hope you find what you’re looking for!
I will look into this. Thank you!