Democrats should shift from attempts to remove Trump to turning the White House into a prison.
Trump has historically faltered under the presidency’s pressures, as seen during the Covid-19 pandemic, due to bad ideas and a lack of interest in public service.
By forcing Trump to address real issues—like economic crises, public health threats, and policy failures—Democrats can counter his “I alone can fix it” rhetoric.
This approach includes aggressive media campaigns and blocking GOP initiatives without significant concessions.
The DNC gonna try that whole resist bullshit again? Claim resist out of one side of their mouth while giving him everything he wants out of the other side. Democrats are a fucking joke, they have no power when in the majority and none when the minority. Theyve enabled our current level of fascism.
They literally tried to do the same thing with Hitler. Unsurprisingly it didn’t work.
Got some sauce for that? I’d genuinely like to read about that particular angle.
No. They just want a negativity circlejerk so they can feel good about something when they are scared. I witnessed the same freakout go down on reddit during covid.
It’s a mentality of “No one has had it as bad as it is this very moment.”
By forcing Trump to address real issues …
Not possible, as evidenced by :gestures widely:.
Yeah he doesn’t give a single fuck. “What, people are saying they have problems? Sounds like someone should tell them to shut up–I’ll be on the golf course. Let me know when Daddy Putin shows up, I gotta grease my asshole this time so it hurts a bit less.”
I don’t think this will actually work. First time around, it was Trump and a bunch of morons he liked because they said nice things to him or had big tits. The actual staff who were used to running a presidency and who were trying to run a presidency were the ones who wore him out because there was no one else to go to.
This time around, I think Trump is going to do jack shit, but he’s brought so much corruption and vice with him that he doesn’t have to leave the golf course. There’s an army of more capable monsters flooding the government now, and they have Project 2025 as their playbook.
Mainstream media is right wing. Small opposition media is being sued by Trump for saying he was a little behind in the polls, or that he lost the Jean Carroll rape defamation case.
How are you going to force him not to just go golfing? he could just mia and let VancElon deal with everything
Like that will work. He thinks he did a great job with the pandemic. Stop testing and your numbers go down. It’s easy.
Even if they could the current democratic leadership are feckless fuckers who won’t do anything worthwhile.
I think this presidency will be different. People are fucking tired. Both sides want shit to cost less and the news just perpetuates anger and distrust. We are too busy working to focus on it anymore.
Last time, especially during covid, I glued myself to reddit and news. I was was fucked up. Terrified. I thought I was going to die. There’s cause for concern, but there not much can do on a national level. This time, I’m focusing on my family, my well being, and what matters most. I will probably delete Lemmy and other news apps tomorrow except for my local newspaper.
I’m ok. My kids will be ok. My wife will be ok. My family, friends, and dogs will be ok. If not? I’ll worry about it then. We were all mortal before Trump and we’re still mortal. I’ll focus my energy on those I love and not that piece of shit and the billionaire news moguls want me to. Eat the rich.
Edit: Sorry my optimism didn’t fit in with the circlejerk. What I meant to say was we are all going to die and there’s no hope for any of us. That should get more upvotes here. My bad.
“I’m ok. My kids will be ok. My wife will be ok. My family, friends, and dogs will be ok. If not? I’ll worry about it then.”
I tried to tell myself that, and then Fascist deepthroaters started getting really excited about “acquiring” my country after it was economically eviscerated.
What country? Sorry for being optimistic. I should have been more sensitive to your situation. Next time I go outside of the sadness circlejerk I’ll check with your country first to see if it’s ok to have my own opinion.
I think this presidency will be different.
You (the People) will be scammed/cheated/pillaged/repressed/etcetera even harder this time.
Go ahead and downvote me for trying to make it through a hard time with positivity. Enjoy your negatively bias.
It’s not positivity. It’s “I’ve got mine, so fuck you.”
make it through a hard time with positivity.
No down votes from me: all power to you bro! That’s probably the only healthy option.
Good luck to you and your loved ones, friend.