My name’s Lilly Wachowski.

I’m out here on the picket line to support my fellow union, brothers, sisters, and siblings, for better wages, for a better future. And I’m also here because I think that this is a microcosm of a much larger issue.

There’s a correlation between what’s happening here and what’s happening in the world in terms of the flow of wealth in the world. It’s like the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The middle class is getting squeezed out, and a lot more of them are living on the margins of society than ever before.

If we can start pushing back on these oligarchs, we can start to rearrange how, not just in this industry, but all industries, are ordered.

    1 year ago

    I’m no expert, but in my opinion the middle class is really defined by owning your home but still working for a wage.

      1 year ago

      They’re definitely in it. But it’s nebulous.

      Do you know of Novara Media? Aaron Bastani criticised a Telegraph(?) story recently. The story got the main narrative right: that something needs to be done about interest rates because it’ll hit ‘homeowners’ with mortgages.

      But it used an example of some tit (apologies to all tits out there, bird-like and mammal-like for the negative metaphor) who was crying that they took out a variable rate on £1.something million on a £6m property – having put down a £1.7m deposit. Boo fucking who.

      His point was that this homeowner wasn’t really representative of the middle class, but the paper ran with that idea.