More shitty optics for Democrats imo. A poorly thought out ban that some question if it could even be enforced over something the younger generation loves is now posed to be reversed by Trump. This costs the party youth voters, probably another case of Dems taking a demographic for granted. In 2 years the dems will wonder why the youth vote didnt save them at midterms and all but their most stalwart apologists will laugh at them.
edit: Schumer agrees
The ban and opposition to the ban are both widely bipartisan. I think the idea of banning it was more of a Republican idea in the beginning. But one thing is for sure, Trump will suck all the air out of the room and no one will remember the specifics, just that Trump saved TikTok.
That is correct. This only started when Trump was last in office, and he fully supported it. I wish the rest of this country wasn’t fooled so easily by crap like this…
The ban that Trump tried fell apart, the current pending ban didnt even start being discussed until March 2024, before then any threat of ban was gone. Sure he tried but none of the current legislation is due to Trump. This one came years after he left office.
Thanks for the update! So in reality, this boils down to not enough bribes, and US competitors (fb, Twitter, etc) most likely encouraging officials more than it has to do with national security.
Yeah as far as I know China still buys data from the US and I don’t think anyone is trying to stop that, I’m not sure how much differnt the data they collect themselves would be. Banning it from government devices was definetly warranted, but I still dont know how the US would enforce the civilian ban if Tiktok didn’t voluntarily shut down the service as they plan to on the 19th. Also in the court case the US shared sercret evidence neither the public nor tiktoks attorney’s were allowed to see. I’m not keen on trusting evidence they intentionally hide when they still allow our data to end up in China anyway.
Thats what I mean about the optics. We should know by now more than most are low information voters. They’re going to remember a Biden WH pushing the ban and a Trump WH saving their favorite app. Even independent of Trumps rhetoric that’s going to be the take away by many.
They’ll forget. They always forget.
Stake another election on that and they’ll reap what they sew.
*sow, actually.
“Sew” (soe) means like you’re tailoring a piece of clothing.
“Sow” (soe) means you’re planting seeds to then reap later.
I wonder how much TikTok is
paying himdonating to his presidential fund?(bribing).
Didn’t some guy who has a 1 billion stake in Bytedance massively finance the Trump campaign, or am I misremembering?
We’re talking about the original guy who tried and failed to ban Tik Tok, right?