Hi, I want to solve this behavior when scrolling in ‘about:addons’ page. I put a background-image in body using ‘userChrome.css’ and in ‘userContent.css’ I set transparency in some elements backgrounds, but when I scroll the #main element goes behind .sticky-container element, so here is my question: Can I make the #main and .sticky-container elements don’t cross, I tried to set a margin, clip-path, etc but I couldn’t make any progress to solve it.

  • MrOtherGuy@lemmy.worldM
    1 month ago

    I’m not sure if you can do that, but you may be able to make the sticky-container opaque, so that it covers the scrolled contents, but assign it the same background-image that you are using on body and then try setting background-attachment: fixed for it and maybe play with few background-position values to align it to the background-image of the body. And also make sure the image is shown as same size.

    • Godie@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      hi, I had in that way in the past, but I wanted to remove the need to align the image (when menubar is on, when not, when bookmarks-bar is on, when not, where using tre-tabs and its necessary to align again). I will end removing the position: sticky from .sticky-container

      • MrOtherGuy@lemmy.worldM
        1 month ago

        Oh I think I misunderstood what you are doing, I thought you meant you set the content document body to also have the background-image, in which case the same alignment issue would still happen. But it sounds like you have just one image at the main-window body and the content area is transparent.

        With some shuffling you could achieve pretty much the same result visually - so that the header sticks, but doesn’t overlay the list:

        @-moz-document url("about:addons"){
            max-height: 100vh;
            display: grid;
            grid-template-rows: auto auto 1fr;
            --in-content-page-background: transparent;
          #page-header > .sticky-container{
            position: static !important;
            overflow: auto;
            padding-inline: 6px;
            scrollbar-gutter: stable;
        • Godie@lemmy.worldOP
          1 month ago

          thanks you so much, the scrollbar isn’t in the right position but I thinks is perfect enough solution. 💙