Fox News’s attempt to find support for Donald Trump in Greenland backfired, as most residents expressed disinterest in his proposals.
While one Trump supporter was found, the majority of Greenlanders interviewed criticized Trump’s comments and expressed a preference for remaining under Danish rule.
Despite these setbacks, Trump continues to advocate for acquiring Greenland, citing economic security concerns.
Believe it or not, generation after generation of American citizens understood that it was their right and duty to vote. And to defend that right.
But a few months ago a whole slew of people right here happily waxed vitriolic about how voting itself was “collusion” and “supported genocide” and other insane shit, and thanks in no small part to them we are now going to get screwed at every level - corporate, governmental, societal - every day, for years.
Faith in our systems (government, economic, civic, etc) has been broadly declining, alongside the portion of eligible population who goes and votes, for decades. It’s both cause and effect of how we arrived at the populist moment, I think. This started waaaaaaay before last October.
I’m not sure how you mean exactly, but okay. The political system is a result of the voting. If non-voters expect to gain faith via these latest results, i’d argue that is also poorly reasoned.
I don’t think they expect to gain faith as much as they’re just checking out because they feel that any plausible outcome is irrelevant to their needs.
Yeah I get it. It’s just, wrong. Provably, empirically, identifiably wrong. But I understand how people can feel that way. They don’t know.
I’ve had a lifelong habit of looking for and blaming systemic effects. I think you can safely say that the system we set up all but guaranteed apathy via two-party duopoly/FPTP.
Guaranteed apathy? I think there’s a very considerable effort on the part of conservatives to prevent liberal politics from existing, and that can be pretty draining, but apathy itself is homegrown. No one can “give” someone apathy, but they can keep them down and out enough to get them to create it themselves.
That’s where the participation part comes in again. If you want to just keep getting rolled, do nothing.
I mean, I’m voting and getting out and doing stuff. If I had two more hours in the day, I’d be advocating for ranked choice voting, but right now I’m putting all of my energies into trying to urbanize my city with mixed use, high density housing, actually good bike lanes, a road diet, and public transit.
Good for you! Keep up the good work. Hopefully people will vote for the initaitives you need to make all that happen.