Speaking with Empire, Álvarez confirmed that he and Sayagues are working on the script for the Alien: Romulus sequel. He said, “We’re excited about where it can go. We’ve almost checked all of the boxes of things that I want to see [in Romulus], and brought back a lot of the things I hadn’t seen in a while. Wherever we go now, we can go into uncharted waters. I think it’ll be so exciting to go with characters you know from this movie, to a place in the Alien franchise that we’ve never been before, and to discover things that you’ve never seen before.”
So he’s got the Easter Egg references out of his system then hopefully? Come on, a decent Alien film please! 🙂
It’s ducks and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Yeah generally sequels show new things in them
Full penetration.
And then the franchise sort of…ends.
Alien franchise that we’ve never been before, and to discover things that you’ve never seen before.
this just smacks of writing a film by devising a bunch of action sequences and reveals then smushing it together hoping that the big shinny sequences distract from the plot and characters being wafer thin cardboard cutouts like last time.
Its terrible writing to work like this, cobbling together a script around predefined points. Its typical of film writing by committee where everybody on the committee has to add in their idea they came up with independent of the script to demonstrate their value.
I just hope the next movie isn’t a bunch of kids again. No offense to the 20-something-year-old readers here, but having a variety of age groups is an important part of the diversity in a movie, and something which the franchise has been better with in the past.
A good script?
Romulus was pretty good. Until it turned into a braindead marvel movie full of certified fan moments.
3 was so fucking close
Out of the first 4 movies, 3 was the worst.
I feel like 4 was objectively bad. am I taking crazy pills or has it aged gracefully? guess I know what I’m watching this weekend.
Well, I’m not sure if it was good, but it committed to turning it up to 11.
Alien^3 insulted the ending of Aliens and felt like it was full of slightly lame choices.
I watched it last year. 3 wasn’t grear, but oh boy was 4 bad.
It was. But that doesn’t stop me from watching it.
That’s a bold move Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off.
Somehow, Ripley returned…
I really really really hope not. Butttt, IIRC Romulus happens between Alien and Aliens.
I don’t think you have to worry about it. Sigourney Weaver has a career very separate from Alien these days.
There was actually a good Alien novel saga that explored a mysterious reappearance of Ellen Ripley that turned out to be an android recreation of the real Ripley. I can’t remember if it was set before or after Alien Resurrection
Big juicy alien tiddies
Studio executive: let’s do alien cats! Yeah, no one will be expecting that! What about alien cows? I’m on a roll here! Alien dwarves!
Dunno man. I get the best kicks out of arcs that explore the evil mankind is capable of, but the movies seem to keep chucking large amounts of cgi and jump scares. It’s like they don’t care about the source material at all. Now it’s all about scientist or goofy kinds on a jaunt in space, make goofy decision, discover or release alien spawn, firefight, running, showpiece shot, etc
Alien: The Musical
Even better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01CPgkptW5E
One more for the thread:
Alien on Stage (2020, dir Danielle Kummer and Lucy Harvey)
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwUHTKOsZwk
This is a story about a unique crew of Dorset bus drivers whose amateur dramatics group decide to ditch doing another pantomime and try something different. They spent a year creating a serious adaptation of the sci-fi horror film Alien, finding ingenious solutions to pay homemade homage to the original film. The show is a crushing flop but fate gives them a second chance to find their audience. Whilst still adjusting to the idea that their serious show is actually a comedy, the group find out they’re suddenly being whisked from their village hall to a London West End theatre to perform this accidental masterpiece for one night only. With wobbly sets, awkward acting and special effects requiring ‘more luck than judgement,’ will their West End debut be alright on the night? This bus driving crew are our space heroes. Their bus station is our space station. Dorset is outer-space and where is the Alien? It’s behind you!
With even more butthole
I read this as Romulan and was very excited for a whole movie / series based around them… I don’t even really care that much for star Trek but I got slightly excited…
Anyway… This is pointless but yeah