References the rule a lot without elaborating on what it actually says. Most detailed part:
Indeed, the White House states in its fact sheet that the rule prevents the import or sale of connected vehicles “by entities who are owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of the PRC or Russia – even if those vehicles were made in the United States.”
Really wish this rule would just prohibit “connected vehicles” from sending data without explicit opt-in. And inform users of exactly what happens with said data.
But alas, that’s all pretext for what they really want, as usual.
Just ban connected cars. Tell automakers to figure out how to sandbox CarPlay/android auto and run all other stuff on-device. Memory is cheap, if an insurance company wants to request driving data they can do so in a way that is visible to the driver.
Banning competition
Free market!
the chinese cars have now been freed from the market
Good, only America should be able to data-rape Americans
I mean, yes? By definition that’s less raping than America + more.
Yeah, others should be required to purchase said data from american companies. Like they do now. Capitalism! USA! USA!
Nobody can afford Polestar anyway