I have created some software that is capable of synchronising posts from Reddit to Lemmy. It’s still a little rough around the edges, but it works as a such:

People can request new subreddits to be mirrored on !requests@lemmit.online. A bot (open source) will monitor the threads there, and if it finds a new request for a subreddit, it will make a new community on the Lemmit server, and add it to its monitored list. It will then make periodic checks to see if any new posts (it doesn’t copy any comments) have been posted on reddit, and copy those over.

Users can then subscribe to those communities from their own lemmy instance, and from there federation will pick it up. Or at least, that’s the theory. At the moment, federation is not working awesomely, and that is where my lack of fediverse knowledge comes in. Maybe it needs more time, or something is not so properly - I don’t know.

Furthermore: registrations on this server are closed. The point of this service is not to become a community on its own, but to deliver, ehh, “original” content to all the rest of the Fediverse while it’s going through a ramp-up phase. Besides, the instance is running on a pretty small vps, and I rather have this thing manage itself. There is a !about@lemmit.online community for further questions about the project itself though, in case people want to discuss it further.

So ehm… Let me know what you think :)

  • Undearius
    31 year ago

    It was just a matter of time before something like this showed up.

    I’m sure there will be a number of people that won’t be a fan of this but I think it’s a pretty innovative way to help the chicken-and-egg problem of early adoption. (No users because there’s no content, no content because there’s no users).

    Very smart to have it limited to one bot on one instance to make it easy to block (or de-federate) for those that don’t like it, but I do.

  • Dick Justice
    11 year ago

    So posts from reddit are going to flood the All feed on lemmy?

    • @admin@lemmit.onlineOP
      21 year ago

      Yups. It’s all done by one bot though, so you’ll just have to block that to get rid of them.

        • @admin@lemmit.onlineOP
          31 year ago

          If that’s what happens, that’s what happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          I’m just here to offer a service for people who Do like it.

        • kopper [they/them]
          1 year ago

          Defederation isn’t a bad thing, it’s just curation. Especially in this case where you’re not breaking any human<->human connections.

          I’d still prefer something along the lines of Masto’s silencing, which would get rid of instances from global feeds yet still allow follows and interactions, but upstream already has too much on their plate and I’m sure given the time something similar would be implemented.

        • Zamboniman
          1 year ago

          I kinda get what you’re saying, but not really. Why would adding more content such as this lead to an instance wanting to defederate from that instance? There’s no users from Reddit there (and thus no comments from them) to troll, spam, or break the rules. It just adds posts.

  • @Josephine@lemmy.ml
    11 year ago

    This rases a question, if a bot creates a new community to replace subreddits, who will mod those communities to ensure that there’s no bigotry, trolls, transphobia, homophobia etc… running wild in the comments? Who will manage these?

    • Zamboniman
      1 year ago

      Well, as the bot is the moderator, and as the person running the bot is responsible for it, I suppose that’s technically the answer. But it’s an excellent question if there are hundreds of communities created and people start posting comments in them. The easy workaround is for the bot to set each new community to read-only (by checking ‘only moderators can post’). But, that would be a bit unfortunate as then that limits opportunities to easily chat about it. I suppose cross-posting by someone that wants to comment on it is a solution.

  • @T156@lemmy.world
    11 year ago

    Is this going to break come the end of the month, when the new API changes go into effect?

  • Wenchette
    11 year ago

    I’m interested in having Reddit content show up in my feed when I use Jerboa, but for the life of me, I can not figure out how. Can anyone help? You’d have to explain it to me like you’re talking to either a 3 year old, or a 93 year old.

  • Zamboniman
    01 year ago

    Just to be clear, what if there is already a community on Lemmy that coincides with a subreddit? Will it make another community on your instance? Or will it use the existing community?

    • @admin@lemmit.onlineOP
      11 year ago

      I’m having similar issues on lemmy.ml, not sure what causes it.

      Well… There is the thing that I had this service running on another host at some point, it got federated with quite a few instances (including lemmy.ml and some others), and I had to reinstall it. Maybe those instances have a hard time accepting the new installation?

      I’m kinda hoping it will sort itself out over time, maybe those instances just need to restart 🤞 .

    • Zamboniman
      1 year ago

      Use the search function in your instance, and you’ll likely have to click the ‘search’ button twice to bring it in. Put the original URL from the developer’s instance in the search, like this:


      Then you should get a link for it.

      You get the 404 because your instance doesn’t know about that community yet. It has to be made aware, and then connected to it via you doing the search.