• @valkyre09@lemmy.world
    15711 months ago

    Y2K is one of those stories we look back on and think what a silly old load of nonsense. Truth is, if it wasn’t for the countless hours of overtime people put in to making those outdated systems support the date change, it really would have been utter carnage. You saw how crazy things got when we started to run low on toilet paper for a few weeks.

    • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      5511 months ago

      It was the same as COVID.

      People said if we didn’t do anything, shit would get bad.

      So lots of people did lots of stuff, and it wasn’t a big deal.

      It’s natural human variation for some people to think it’s always not a big deal. We evolved for it to vary because that’s what helped the overall group survive.

      Somebody has to be the first out the cave to see if the wolves are still out there. If we all left at the same time they’d rip everyone to shreds. It helps the group to have a couple idiots around to test if it’s safe.

        • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
          911 months ago

          It seems like it was a big deal.

          But we didn’t see mass deaths except when ERs ran out of beds…

          Which thankfully wasn’t that often, if we didn’t do anything, they’d have been full everywhere I don’t think you understand how fast society would have broken down if that was happening for a year.

          Like if you get in a plane crash and broke a leg, people wouldn’t say they were happy you were ok because broken legs don’t suck, they’d mean you survived.

      • @meco03211@lemmy.world
        811 months ago

        Wouldn’t it be more like SARS back in the day? Before covid was cool. Pretty sure I heard we were on the brink of an epidemic but thanks to smart people and less wilfully proud ignorant douche bags, it didn’t.

    • @PixTupy@lemmy.ml
      4911 months ago

      My dad was one of those working overtime, I remember he was so tired that Christmas.

      Annoys me nowadays when I see people say stuff like… All that panic and no problems at all!

      There were no problems because people worked really hard for no problems, Kevin!

      • @foggianism@lemmy.world
        1611 months ago

        Its the same issue with efficient epidemic policies; they might be restrictive at times, but when they succeed, then there are always some people who say all was overblown and needlesly restrictive and so on.

    • At a SQL conference, I met a bunch of engineers who were part of the Y2K fix for their companies. They spent 1998 hustling for equipment and setting it up in 1999. Almost all of them were “optimistic” that they’d be fine by September.

      But during the rollover, they all said they all did pray to the computer gods.

    • Jordan Lund
      611 months ago

      Yup, covid taught us one thing, when stocking up, prioritize toilet paper first. ;)

  • Jordan Lund
    3811 months ago

    I was doing tech work back then (still do, but I used to, too!)

    It was a lot of low scale doomsday prepping. Making sure you had enough canned goods and water and stuff.

    Majority of folks had no clue and did no prep at all. Tiny minority went end times level.

    I made sure that I had 6 gallons of water in the fridge and groceries.

    • kglitch
      511 months ago

      Yup. I was at a concert in the final minutes of the century. A fuse blew just after midnight so all the lights went out which was a tense moment but life went on.

  • @ritswd@lemmy.world
    2311 months ago

    No, it wasn’t like that. Remember that while computer technology was fairly mainstream, it wasn’t nearly as engrained into our lives as today. So people were talking about a worst-case scenario that involved technological things: potential power outages, administrations maybe shutting down, some public transportation maybe shutting down, … To me, it felt like people were getting ready for being potentially majorly inconvenienced, but that they weren’t at all freaking out.

    I do remember the first few days of January 2000 felt like a good fun joke. “All that for this!”

    • FuglyDuck
      11 months ago

      most of the concern for Y2K was actually about old systems. keep in mind, the IRS, for example, still runs servers with COBOL on it today, as their main database. it works, and it’s reliable. They’re far from the only group (read: banks, government agencies, hospitals,) who still do so.

      those systems… they had no idea what would happen and had to figure something out. most programs at the time didn’t actually acount for the first two digits of the year. 1922 and 2022 would have been indiferentiable to those programs. for then-modern systems, it was a simple patch. For the old equipment… not so much…

      • @cybersandwich@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Exactly, the systems that were at the biggest risk were the older, more entrenched systems that were spun up by the government, banks, military, hospitals.

        This are obviously critical (cyber) infrastructure for our modern society. Imagine waking on Jan 1st and half of Americans lost access to their bank accounts or their accounts read $0.00. Or if all the sudden flights across the country/world were cancelled because air traffic controllers didn’t have accurate information or the ticketing systems weren’t showing any reservations.

        People would have lost their f*cking minds.

      • Jordan Lund
        411 months ago

        Water treatment for me. There was a water treatment plant test where the computer went “No treatment in 100 years? Better dump ALL the chemicals then!” LA had a problem with raw sewage release.

        Scared the hell out me. Water was my #1 priority.

  • @SweetSitty@lemmy.world
    2211 months ago

    I was in high school, and I remember babysitting my brother’s kids for new years. I’d invited a friend to hang out with me while I watched them, but her parents were very freaked out about Y2K and insisted she stay home with them. They did do some prepping on water and canned goods, but not quite to the “bunker under their floorboards” level. As for me and my family, we carried on as if life would continue as normal, and thanks to countless people working tirelessly, it did just that.

  • @Jakdracula@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I worked as a cto in a publicly traded bank in the USA. In the USA, the regulation was that all banks had to have 10% of all deposits in cash. For example, If you were a billion dollar bank, you had to have 100 million in cash available at all times.
    Because of Y2K, there were deep concerns their would be a bank run, so all banks had to have 20% of deposits as cash. Enormous sums of cash.
    On New Year’s Eve 1999, my wife and I were taken by federal authorities to a safe house, where we were heavily guarded. We knew in advance they were taking us, but we didn’t know where and when it happened our cell phones were taken from us. Around 4 am they said everything was ok, my wife and I opened some champagne and they drove us home.

    • kglitch
      111 months ago

      Wtf. Even the govt didn’t know what would happen!

  • @v0idbit@lemmy.world
    1311 months ago

    I knew a family that bought a farm, bought a few years worth of food to start their stockpile, and buried thousands of gallons of fresh water to prepare for Y2K. No one else I knew took Y2K seriously. Look who’s laughing now!

  • @Entertainmeonly
    1211 months ago

    Not far off from what I remember. Definitely knew people that went as far as buying land out in the mountains and stockpiled food and water there in a cabin.

    • FizzlePopBerryTwistOP
      411 months ago

      So weird everyone on Lemmy has a story about someone who went a little extra and people answering on Reddit say it was just another day.

      • @Entertainmeonly
        911 months ago

        I would blame that on the age gap; where reddit users are probably on the younger side compared to lemmy users. Just a guess though.

  • @KaiReeve@lemmy.world
    1011 months ago

    I grew up in Florida and anytime there was a hurricane coming people would flock to the stores and buy all the generators and bottled water.

    It was kind of like that, but in December.

    Most people I knew personally legit just ignored it. It was just another doomsday hoax like the Mayan calender scare of 2012. Everybody was talking about it, but nobody actually thought it would be an issue.

    • @UnsafePantomime@lemmy.world
      2111 months ago

      It wasn’t really a hoax. It was a legitimate problem. Lots of software could have broke. It didn’t because developers were diligent. There was a long leadtime to New Year’s with lots of people working overtime.

      • @KaiReeve@lemmy.world
        411 months ago

        Yeah, I understand that it was a legitimate issue for some industries, but at the social level people were saying that all of the world’s nuclear weapons would launch simultaneously and we would enter a post-nuclear apocalypse. At some point a legitimate issue was inflated into a doomsday hoax.

        • Kernal64
          311 months ago

          I mean, in your other post you said you lived in Florida. Are you really gonna take Florida Man’s opinion about what would happen at Y2K as a valid one? I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that Florida Man doesn’t have a great track record on… Well, anything.

    • @CADmonkey@lemmy.world
      1711 months ago

      It’s not that it wasn’t an issue, the problem was it was a big problem for certain industries, and executives in those industries (most executives really) are almost completely helpless, and the only thing they understand is money. So there’s a problem that an executive can’t see. So how do you get Mr. CEO to spend a bunch of money on something he can’t see or understand?

      You have to scare the hell out of him. Explain that he will lose ALL the money if he doesn’t spend this comparatively small amount.

      And as a result, many people were able to come together and install updates to systems to keep them from failing. My brother was even one of them, 15 years old and was told to hit “enter” when a given prompt came up. Because of efforts from people like my father, and thousands of others, we get internet posts 23 years later saying it was no big deal.

      • @Bernie_Sandals@lemmy.world
        411 months ago

        Yep, my father too, the family general store’s registers all needed to be updated to new software to keep the dates right, this was actually somewhat important in that rural town before digital book keeping had spread there.

        It’s crazy how many people had a hand in making sure computers kept working after Y2K.

  • @shadowSprite@lemmy.world
    911 months ago

    My dad worked at a bank at the time. I don’t know much about his job, it’s over my head, something about daily transfers and loans of large amounts of money between banks, dealing with the federal reserve, and making sure bank reserves are stable and where they need to be (he’s the person I call whenever I hear of a coming recession or a bank collapse that hits the news, because he gives me the no bullshit or hysteria facts of whether or not I should be concerned and start buckling down or not). I was just a kid for Y2K, but I do remember it’s the only time in my life my dad ever worked overtime, he went from being an off work at 5 on the dot to not getting home until after our bedtime every day for months before New Years. I honestly have no idea what he was doing, but he was busy making sure something was good to go.

  • @FarceMultiplier@lemmy.ca
    611 months ago

    My boss demanded that the whole IT team was at work watching and waiting. I think he bought us a dozen doughnuts.

    Of course, nothing critical happened at all. Some websites showed a date of January 1, 19100. That was all.

  • I knew a guy who maxed out all his credit cards and said he was heading to the hills. He didn’t say much for the week he stayed at the job after the new year last.

  • freddy
    11 months ago

    Some companies made money from some clueless managers and CEOs.

    I worked at a big power and light company, some big boss at the headquarters hired a company to certify our pcs where y2k compliant (we already knew they were ok!).

    A guy around 50 with suit and two younger technicians, around their twentys. I was behind them when when they sat down at every pc in our office, inserted a floppy disk, and ran a freeware software! A freeware that anyone could download from internet.

    Of course the software printed on the screen that those pc where y2k compliant.

    That company charged a fee for every certified pc, and we had lots of pcs.

    • astraeus
      211 months ago

      Only certain people had the knowledge to download and install freeware to a floppy disk. Most people in 1999 had no clue about freeware or even how to find stuff like that. Even today, most people who could know just don’t care enough to do it.

      • BrerChicken
        211 months ago

        I would say a higher percentage of people could do that in 1999 than now. At least in the 90s you learned how to use computers in school. These days you’re totally on your own and most people just don’t bother.

        • astraeus
          211 months ago

          In 1999, how many people in the workplace, or specifically in management, would have been in school when they taught people how to use the internet? This is five years since public access to the WWW.

          • BrerChicken
            211 months ago

            If you already knew how to use a computer–which is what I was referring to, then learning how to use the Internet was not that difficult. It’s the parents of those management people that had no idea. But anyone who went to school in the 80s and 90s was getting actual computer classes in school, elementary through high school. I’m a high school teacher now, and one of the things I have to do teach my 9th graders is how to use their school-issued laptops, because they don’t have computer classes the way they used to. Everyone seems to think that these kids are all computer whizzes but really all they’re familiar with is how to barely use a smartphone. If I were to ask them to save a file to their hard drive maybe 2 or 3 kids in a class of 20 would know what I meant.

  • @Sanjuaro@lemmy.world
    511 months ago

    I just remember my mom buying a lot of batteries, and me being happy, because that meant I could have a lot of time with my Gameboy.