Today I noticed a huge wall of spam from UniversalMonk from 2 different accounts and didn’t initially think much of it and blocked their communities but more spam came from different communities.

At this point I checked and saw that they had created several communities which then led me down the rabbit hole to discover that their posts had almost entirely covered the new posts page of both and Later on I discovered that they’re posting right-wing propaganda and misinformation from breitbart, foxnews you name it.

He’s already caused and stirred shit 2 months ago and clearly I can see why now.

At this point it’s difficult to believe that UniversalMonk will learn proper netiquette in: not post spamming, being considerate to others, and not sharing right-wing extremist content that no one wants.

    1 month ago

    Oh wow. UM really is just a malignancy that refuses to go away, isn’t he? I’m all for allowing different opinions but if someone keeps peeing in the pool, sooner or later you stop letting him in.